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An admixture based on a blend of several different polymers for the ready-mix concrete (RMC).

High range water reducing admixture and slump retention

An admixture based on a blend of several different polymers for the ready-mix concrete (RMC).

Key benefits

  • Effective with lowwater-cement ratio
  • Long slump retention
  • High initial strength
  •  No Segregation and bleeding
  • High range water reducer
  • Shorten mixing time
  • Highly flowable concrete(SCC - self-compacting concrete)

Concrete properties

Admixture properties

  • Color: Brown
  • Density: 1.14 ± 0.03
  • pH Value: 5 ± 1.0
  • Chloride free


  • Recommendeddosage is 0.8% - 1.5% (% wt. of the cement).


  • Tomaximize the admixture effective, the admixture should be added after mixingall the other materials with 70% of the water, with the last 30% of the water.


Shelflife: 12 months

Recommendedstorage conditions: store the admixture in sealed dark tanks, located in ashaded area, out of direct exposure to the sun.

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